If you’re looking for a guide to activate windows 10 without the product key.
Congratulations! You’ve reached the perfect place where you’ll be provided with the step by step guide for the installation of Windows 10. So, let’s begin with the first step that is;
- Open this link in your browser - Code.txt. You’ll see some text that appeared on your screen. Now, you need to copy that text. (Copy that Code)
- (Create a text file and paste code) Go to your desktop and create a new text document by pressing the right click of your mouse or laptop pad. Paste the text that you copied into the new text document. These were very simple steps and I expect you to be following me so far.
- (Save As this text file now as "1click.cmd") Now, click on the file icon in your new text document the select the “save as” option. A box will appear in front of you. Write the name of the file as ‘1click.cmd’ and save it on your desktop or anywhere you can easily access the file.
- (Run this CMD file as administrator) Now what I want you to do is right-click on the file that you just saved and select the option ‘Run as administrator’.
- (Successfully activated) As you run this program your windows are activated. You can check the activation by going to the ‘control panel’ of your computer. Or you can either search for ‘system’ on your computer and there you have information about everything on your computer.
[NOTE: You should turn off your Antivirus or Windows Defender before starting the process.
After completion of the process, you can turn on the Antivirus System. ]